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Cemetery Minutes 01/06/2012
Cemetery Trustees
Jan 6, 2012

Present: Ruth Hammen, Scott Marston, Fred Shaw

The cemetery trustees met at the Historical Society at 9AM.

Minutes: Trustees approved December minutes as written.

Pineground: Two lots (R3 L10 and 11) are marked on the official Pineground Map as having been sold but no deed or documentation exists to support this sale. Ruth recently was able to speak with Gilbert Vien, former cemetery Trustee, about this and he remembers that these lots have been marked “sold” since he became a Trustee in 1998. The Trustees conclude that there is serious doubt about the sale of these lots but will hold them out from sale for the foreseeable future.

Bylaws: The Trustees reviewed the bylaws and voted to remove the requirement that Veteran flags be removed by Labor Day. Specifically, the words “These flags will be removed from all cemeteries after Veterans Day.” will be removed from section 4-h.

Next Meeting: The February meeting of the Trustees will be rescheduled to the second Friday, Feb 10, at which time the contract for maintenance with Steve’s Quality Services will be signed.